Cricut Bread?

Jeff jumped on the sourdough bread wagon a while back. Being the artsy fartsy husband he is, he was also decorating the loaves in various ways:

We’ve been watching a lot of Proof Bread on Youtube lately and wanted to try using a flour stencil like they do. I’ve also been eyeing a Cricut Maker for ages and decided it was time to make the purchase to assist Jeff with this project. I wasted no time fiddling after it arrived and came up with a sheet with a few stencils that just said “bread” for him to try out.

The first tries didn’t turn out so great, so I downloaded a whole bunch of stencil fonts and made two more pages worth for Jeff to try. We eventually decided stenciling words is hard due to how the bread expands as it bakes. Jeff is now more focused on crumb than exterior beauty, so bread stenciling has gone on the back burner. My opinion: sourdough is tasty regardless of how pretty it looks on the outside.