Chevron Friendship Bracelet

While in Maui, I saw a ton of people wearing friendship bracelets as anklets - a thing I used to do every summer as a kid/teenager. In fact, I had a giant box of embroidery floss in every shade imaginable that I would cart with me to swim meets. I’d hang out in the bull pen with the other kids and craft away. One summer, I even made matching anklets for all the kids in my age group. Those were the days!

Needless to say, seeing these bracelets/anklets in Maui stirred up enough memories that I felt the need to get crafting. I grabbed some embroidery floss at Joann’s and whipped up my old bracelet making set up: a chopped up piece of cardboard. All you really need is a rectangle of cardboard with one slit at the top to hold the knotted end of your bracelet and a bunch of slits at the bottom to hold all your individual strands as you knot (note that in the image below my bracelet got too long so I ended up draping the top over the top slit and taping it on the back).

Since I haven’t made one of these bracelets since high school (which was many years ago), I needed a pattern. I found out there are all kinds of websites that offer such patterns, but I ended up going with Bracelet Book. They have a nice set up where you can make an account and then mark different patterns as “To Do”. I ended up going with a chevron pattern.

It didn’t take me long to remember how to knot everything and get the hang of it again. Honestly, the hardest part was remembering how long to cut the strings initially. I ended up going with the width of my arms outstretched (which turned out to be too long, but at least it wasn’t too short!).

Overall, the bracelet/anklet came out really nicely. I’ll probably make more to wear next summer (since we’re getting really close to fall weather out here in the PNW). I’ll definitely be searching for my box of embroidery floss the next time I’m at my parents’ house so I can bring it back with me.