Jeff Makes Stuff: Hot Sauce Edition

We apparently consume a lot of YouTube videos - particularly in the food category. One of a growing list of favorites is Joshua Weissman’s channel. Jeff recently watched his video on how to ferment and make hot sauce and was inspired to make his own.

Things started out well with the fermentation, but then we started to notice some growth that we feared was mold. Turns out kahm yeast is a thing and thankfully he was able to rinse this off and continue the fermentation process.

The end product turned out a very lovely shade of orange. I’m not a big fan of spicy things, but I really liked that this sauce had a lot of flavor in addition to a manageable amount of heat (so not a spicy just to be spicy type of thing). In my opinion, it was best served on chicken wings - I couldn’t believe how great that combo was.

Jeff would like to continue experimenting with the types of peppers he uses to see if he can take the flavor and spice up a notch. He has a much higher spice tolerance then me, so I hope he ends up with something that suits him while also keeping a less spicy version for me.